Language Packs
The pre-translated error pages displayed by Squid.
Built from | Date | Size | Languages | Download |
squid-7.0.0-20240307-r8dbebead4b.tar.gz | Mar 7 2024 |
363 KB | 171 | tar.gz(md5) |
46 Basic Language Translations | ||||
(af) Afrikaans (ar) Arabic (az) Azerbaijani (bg) Bulgarian (ca) Catalan (cs) Czech (da) Danish (de) German (el) Greek (en) English (es) Spanish mx (es) Spanish (et) Estonian (fa) Persian (fi) Finnish (fr) French (he) Hebrew (hu) Hungarian (hy) Armenian (id) Indonesian (it) Italian (ja) Japanese (ka) Georgian (ko) Korean (lt) Lithuanian (lv) Latvian, Lettish (ms) Malay (nl) Dutch (oc) Occitan (pl) Polish (pt) Portuguese Brazillian (pt) Portuguese (ro) Romanian (ru) Russian (sk) Slovak (sl) Slovenian (sr) Serbian Cyrillic (sr) Serbian Latin (sv) Swedish (th) Thai (tr) Turkish (uk) Ukrainian (uz) Uzbek (vi) Vietnamese (zh) Chinese Simplified (zh) Chinese Traditional | ||||
125 Dialect Aliases | ||||
ar-ae ar-bh ar-dz ar-eg ar-iq ar-jo ar-kw ar-lb ar-ly ar-ma ar-om ar-qa ar-sa ar-sy ar-tn ar-ye az-az bg-bg ca-es cs-cz da-dk de-at de-ch de-de de-li de-lu el-gr en-au en-bz en-ca en-cn en-gb en-ie en-in en-jm en-nz en-ph en-sg en-tt en-uk en-us en-za en-zw es-ar es-bo es-cl es-cu es-co es-do es-ec es-es es-pe es-pr es-py es-us es-uy es-ve es-xl spq es-bz es-cr es-gt es-hn es-ni es-pa es-sv et-ee fa-fa fa-ir fi-fi fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-fr fr-lu fr-mc he-il hu-hu hy-armn hy-am id-id it-ch it-it ja-jp ka-ge ko-kp ko-kr lt-lt lv-lv ms-my nl-nl pl-pl pt-pt pt-bz pt-xl ro-ro ro-md ru-ru sk-sk sl-si sr-rs sr-cyrl-cs sr-cyrl-rs sr-cyrl-me sr sr-sp sr-latn-cs sr-latn-rs sr-latn-me sv-fi sv-se th-th tr-tr uk-ua vi-vn zh-hant-tw zh-hant-hk zh-hant-mo zh-tw zh-hk zh-mo zh-hans-cn zh-cn zh-hans-sg zh-sg |
The bundled error pages may be dropped directly into any Squid 2.x or 3.x installation. The langpack are generated daily alongside the source code snapshots from the latest available information.
For more information on what this is all about, or on how to add or correct translations
Installation with Squid 3.1 or later
- download the tarball.
- expand into Squid's errors/ directory
- set squid.conf error_default_language to point at the desired default set of files
- remove squid.conf error_directory option if it exists
- reconfigure or restart squid
Installation with Squid 3.0, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5
- download the tarball.
- expand into Squid's errors/ directory
- set squid.conf error_directory to point at the desired set of files
- reconfigure or restart squid
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