Option Name:ecap_service
Default Value:none
Suggested Config:

	Defines a single eCAP service

	ecap_service servicename vectoring_point bypass service_url

	vectoring_point = reqmod_precache|reqmod_postcache|respmod_precache|respmod_postcache
		This specifies at which point of transaction processing the
		eCAP service should be activated. *_postcache vectoring points
		are not yet supported.
	bypass = 1|0
		If set to 1, the eCAP service is treated as optional. If the
		service cannot be reached or malfunctions, Squid will try to
		ignore any errors and process the message as if the service
		was not enabled. No all eCAP errors can be bypassed.
		If set to 0, the eCAP service is treated as essential and all
		eCAP errors will result in an error page returned to the
		HTTP client.
	service_url = ecap://vendor/service_name?custom&cgi=style&parameters=optional

ecap_service service_1 reqmod_precache 0 ecap://filters-R-us/leakDetector?on_error=block
ecap_service service_2 respmod_precache 1 icap://filters-R-us/virusFilter?config=/etc/vf.cfg