Option Name:ssl_bump
Default Value:none
Suggested Config:

	This ACL controls which CONNECT requests to an http_port
	marked with an sslBump flag are actually "bumped". Please 
	see the sslBump flag of an http_port option for more details
	about decoding proxied SSL connections.

	By default, no requests are bumped.

	See also: http_port ssl-bump
	This clause supports both fast and slow acl types.
	See http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidAcl for details.

	# Example: Bump all requests except those originating from localhost and 
	# those going to webax.com or example.com sites.

	acl localhost src
	acl broken_sites dstdomain .webax.com
	acl broken_sites dstdomain .example.com
	ssl_bump deny localhost
	ssl_bump deny broken_sites
	ssl_bump allow all