Option Name:sslcrtvalidator_children
Default Value:sslcrtvalidator_children 32 startup=5 idle=1 concurrency=1
Suggested Config:

	The maximum number of processes spawn to service SSL server.
	The maximum this may be safely set to is 32.
	The startup= and idle= options allow some measure of skew in your
	Sets the minimum number of processes to spawn when Squid
	starts or reconfigures. When set to zero the first request will
	cause spawning of the first child process to handle it.
	Starting too few children temporary slows Squid under load while it
	tries to spawn enough additional processes to cope with traffic.
	Sets a minimum of how many processes Squid is to try and keep available
	at all times. When traffic begins to rise above what the existing
	processes can handle this many more will be spawned up to the maximum
	configured. A minimum setting of 1 is required.

	The number of requests each certificate validator helper can handle in
	parallel. A value of 0 indicates the certficate validator does not
	support concurrency. Defaults to 1.
	When this directive is set to a value >= 1 then the protocol
	used to communicate with the helper is modified to include
	a request ID in front of the request/response. The request
	ID from the request must be echoed back with the response
	to that request.
	You must have at least one ssl_crt_validator process.