Memory leak in 1.0.1 / FreeBSD 2.1R

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 15:15:50 +0200


I'm running squid-1.0.1 on a FreeBSD 2.1-RELEASE machine. At the moment
top shows me:

[stefan@kanis stefan] $ top -b | grep squid
  361 root 2 0 20M 4688K sleep 3:58 0.00% 0.00% squid

that squid is using 20MB of memory. But if I ask the cachmgr about memory
usage it says:

Internal Data Structures:
  Hot Object Cache Items 2
  StoreEntries with MemObjects 2
Meta Data:
  StoreEntry 14215 x 48 bytes = 666 KB
  IPCacheEntry 738 x 56 bytes = 40 KB
  Hash link 0 x 12 bytes = 0 KB
  URL strings = 633 KB
  Pool MemObject structures 34 x 100 bytes = 3 KB ( 3 free)
  Pool for Request structur 34 x 4504 bytes = 149 KB ( 140 free)
  Pool for in-memory object 512 x 4096 bytes = 2048 KB ( 2028 free)
  Pool for disk I/O 30 x 8192 bytes = 240 KB ( 232 free)
  Miscellaneous = 556 KB
  Total Accounted = 4338 KB

(Complete output is at the bottom of this message)

Is this behaviour normal? Where does the +- 16MB go?

I saw on the netcache pages that FreeBSD users should link with
libgnumalloc? Maybe they had the same problem?

 -- Stefan

cachemgr output:

Squid Object Cache: Version 1.0.1
Start Time: Friday, 12-Jul-96 09:38:21 GMT
Current Time: Saturday, 13-Jul-96 13:05:16 GMT
Connection information for squid:
  Number of TCP connections: 11566
  Number of UDP connections: 0
  Connections per hour: 421.4
Cache information for squid:
  Storage Swap size: 191 MB
  Storage Mem size: 9 KB
  Storage Expiration at: Thursday, 01-Jan-70 00:00:00 GMT
Resource usage for squid:
  CPU Usage: user 115 sys 106
  Process Size: rss 35104 KB
  Page faults with physical i/o: 6998
File descriptor usage for squid:
  Max number of file desc available: 552
  Largest file desc currently in use: 17
  Available number of file descriptors: 534
  Reserved number of file descriptors: 100
  Active file descriptors:
          ( 0 = LOG) STDIN
          ( 1 = LOG) STDOUT
          ( 2 = LOG) STDERR
          ( 3 = LOG) /luna/squid/logs/cache.log
          ( 4 = -1, 0) NET /usr/local/squid/bin/dnsserver #1
          ( 5 = -1, 0) NET /usr/local/squid/bin/dnsserver #2
          ( 6 = FILE) /luna/squid/logs/hierarchy.log
          ( 7 = FILE) /luna/squid/logs/access.log
          ( 8 = PIPE) ftpget -S
          ( 9 = PIPE) ftpget -S
          ( 10 = FILE) /luna/squid/logs/store.log
          ( 11 = 9910, 0) NET
          ( 12 = FILE) /luna/squid/cache/log
          ( 13 = -1, 0) NET HTTP socket
          ( 14 = -1, 0) NET ICP socket
          ( 15 = 11998, 0) NET GET
          ( 16 = 12000, 0) NET GET cache_object://kanis/info
          ( 17 = 86400, 900) NET
Stop List:
Internal Data Structures:
  Hot Object Cache Items 2
  StoreEntries with MemObjects 2
Meta Data:
  StoreEntry 14215 x 48 bytes = 666 KB
  IPCacheEntry 738 x 56 bytes = 40 KB
  Hash link 0 x 12 bytes = 0 KB
  URL strings = 633 KB
  Pool MemObject structures 34 x 100 bytes = 3 KB ( 3 free)
  Pool for Request structur 34 x 4504 bytes = 149 KB ( 140 free)
  Pool for in-memory object 512 x 4096 bytes = 2048 KB ( 2028 free)
  Pool for disk I/O 30 x 8192 bytes = 240 KB ( 232 free)
  Miscellaneous = 556 KB
  Total Accounted = 4338 KB
Received on Sat Jul 13 1996 - 06:20:57 MDT

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