version numbering?

From: Ira Abramov <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 15:49:37 +0300 (IDT)


Installed Squid 2 days ago on my system, and discovered it runs as stable
as the good old Harvest cache (not using it as an accelerator, I need my
logs clean). Maybe it's just my feeling, but it seems I get faster
response even on cache misses, is there any logical reason for that?

as for the versions Q, since I saw nothing about it in the website nor in
the list's archives, I wanted to clear a few questions: are the 1.1 alphas
a second line (like Linux' kernel revisions)? I saw 1.0.3 was out AFTER
the last two alphas...

and last: I am also maintaining the website for the Israeli LUG at , and I may be considdering becoming another
mirror for the Israeli users, who do I contact in thw Squid group here for

   Ira Abramov <> Scalable Solutions
   Beeper 48484 at 03-610-6666 FAX (972)2-430-471
   POBox 3600 Tel (972)2-6426822
   Jerusalem 91035, Israel
Received on Mon Jul 22 1996 - 05:45:21 MDT

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