Burning Bandwidth

From: Miguel A.L. Paraz <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 18:27:16 +0800 (GMT+0800)


Wolfgang Klimt wrote (in the squid-users mailing list):

> ratzka@rsrz01.hrz.uni-marburg.de writes:
> >Even "big" sites with high load fail to provide at least
> >"Last-Modified" headers, which are crucial for caching. This is
> >e.g. true for many of Netscape's own pages. So it seems they're not
> >afraid of burning bandwidth...

> I think they do this to get as many hits to their pages as possible.
> They need those hits for their commercial purposes, many hits --> high
> prices for commercial announcements.

This is such a shameful waste. Right now I'm poring over my Squid
store.log to see what sites refuse to be cached - they include
home.netscape.com, loaded up by many newly-installed Navigator
installations; as well as lots of other popular pages. Right now
I'm cooking up some perl to give me stats on how much bytes are
wasted by this counterproductive scheme.

miguel a.l. paraz <map@iphil.net> / iphil communications / PGP keyID 0x43F0D011
Received on Thu Jul 25 1996 - 03:29:33 MDT

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