Squid seems to exit regularly?

From: Karl Ferguson <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 01 Sep 1996 12:35:17 +0800

(I'm not on this list so could you please make sure you send your replies to
me as well :-)

Hi everyone.

I just squid termin ating "normally" this morning which I think is abnormal
- here's the part of the cache.log:

[01/Sep/1996:06:49:29 +0800] main.c:262: Preparing for shutdown after 67
05 connections
[01/Sep/1996:06:49:29 +0800] main.c:264: Waiting 30 seconds for active c
onnections to finish
[01/Sep/1996:06:49:30 +0800] main.c:341: FD 9 Closing HTTP connection
[01/Sep/1996:06:49:30 +0800] main.c:353: FD 10 Closing ICP connection
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:01 +0800] tools.c:284: Shutting down...
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:01 +0800] store.c:2780: storeWriteCleanLog: Starting...
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:04 +0800] store.c:2808: 4096 lines written so far.
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:08 +0800] store.c:2808: 8192 lines written so far.
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:11 +0800] store.c:2808: 12288 lines written so far.
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:13 +0800] store.c:2837: Finished. Wrote 14764 lines.
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:13 +0800] store.c:2838: Took 12 seconds (1230.3 lines
CPU Usage: user 154 sys 190
Memory Usage: rss 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 6422
[01/Sep/1996:06:50:13 +0800] tools.c:292: Squid Cache (Version 1.0.11): E
xiting normally.[01/Sep/1996:06:49:29 +0800] main.c:262: Preparing
for shutdown after 6705 connections

I never "shut it down" - is there any way of keeping it running
indefinately? This is the second time it's happened (First it happened with
1.0.10 I think and now with 1.0.11).



Karl Ferguson, 
Tower Networking Pty Ltd (ACN: 072 322 760)        karl@tower.net.au
t/a STAR Online Services                           karl@debian.org
Tel: +61-9-455-3446  Fax: +61-9-455-2776           http://www.star.net.au/
Received on Sat Aug 31 1996 - 21:37:18 MDT

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