Re: problem with MSIE and squid

From: Andreas Jung <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 13:50:58 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Dave Behr wrote:

> Hi
> Here is an interesting problem.
> I try to download a file (about 8megs) from my website with MSIE30. It
> starts up fine, I choose to save it to disk and the files starts to come.
> After about 300K MSIE says it has all arrived and stops. The squid log
> shows a CLIENT_ABORT. Problem!!! I have tried emptying my local MSIE cache -
> but it doesn't make a difference.
> With Netscape v3 it works fine everytime.

Forget MSIE30 because it sux in every way *only my personal opinion*
But I noticed the same behaviour with an older version of Squid.


      /// Andreas Jung, Bruchwiesenanlage 2, D-66125 Saarbruecken
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Received on Tue Sep 10 1996 - 05:00:19 MDT

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