Re: Connection failed: broken pipe

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:38:51 +0100

On 10th September, Barry Cornelius wrote:
> We have only recently started using Squid. We have three UK Universities
> acting as neighbours. Browsers sometimes get the error message:
> While trying to retrieve the URL: <url>
> The following error was encountered:
> o Connection failed
> The system returned:
> (32) Broken pipe
> This means that:
> The remote site or server may be down. Please try again soon.
> However, if the user of the browser turns the use of Squid off, they can
> get to the URL. And if they turn use of Squid back on, they get the error
> message.
> I have looked at the log files being generated by Squid, and I have a
> theory that these errors arise for every occurrence of NEIGHBOR_HIT for
> one of our neighbours. However, we seem to be getting UDP_HIT_OBJs from
> this neighbour. What is the likely cause of this, and how can the
> neighbour or I configure Squid to avoid it?

It turns out that I had wrongly configured my squid.conf file. I had
entered the wrong port number for the neighbour. The file contained:
   cache_host neighbor 3128 3130
instead of:
   cache_host neighbor 8080 3130

I should have read the message from my 'neighbor' more carefully.
Silly me. Sorry to have wasted the time of the mailing list. However,
I guess I won't be the last person to do this. So, it would be a useful
item for a future FAQ.

Barry Cornelius                    Telephone: (0191 or +44 191) 374 4717
User Services Division, IT Service,          IT Service Office: 374 2892
Science Site, University of Durham,                        Fax: 374 3741
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK                 E-mail:
Received on Tue Sep 17 1996 - 02:38:28 MDT

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