Memory-problem with Squid 1.0.9, 1.0.15 and 1.0.16, YIKES!

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:55:20 +0200


I have a problem with Squid 1.0.9, 1.0.15 and 1.0.16 (the ones I
have tried so far). It reserves too much memory without using it.
Just now I run Squid 1.0.16 with the following (relevant)

        cache_mem 16
        cache_swap 3680
        gopher 4 4320
        http 8 4320
        ftp 8 4320
        memory_pools off

The server runs on a SGI Challenger S (IRIX 5.3) with 128 MB RAM. And
right now the memory usage is:

        Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
                Total space in arena: 145327 KB
                Ordinary blocks: 38419 KB 460153 blks
                Small blocks: 241 KB 16400 blks
                 Holding blocks: 5 KB 164 blks
                 Free Small blocks: 76 KB
                Free Ordinary blocks: 106584 KB
                Total in use: 38666 KB 27%
                Total free: 106661 KB 73%

Seems to me it just reserves over 70 % of its memory even though I've
turned the memory_pools off. It just keeps eating away until all available
swap-space is used.

The server has some traffic, both HTTP and ICP. Numbers are available
from <URL:>. I noticed this problem
after I started using other servers as neighbors and parents.

Have anyone else expirienced this? Does anyone know what to do to
fix this?

| Lars Slettjord             | EMAIL:
| University Computer Centre | URL  :
| University of Tromsoe      | PHONE: +47 77644115
| N-9037 Tromsoe             | FAX  : +47 77644100
Received on Wed Sep 25 1996 - 08:55:32 MDT

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