Re: redirector in squid-1.1b4

From: Richard Huveneers <[email protected]>
Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:40:50 GMT

In article <>, fessel@DeTeMobil.DE (Jan-Hinrich Fessel) writes:
>I do think the redirector-facility is a hot shot and requires some work, esp.
>better error-handling to become usable in production systems. There should be
>a way to restart redirectors in case they exit, and an option to restart them
>automatically after some time-period has expired. If this features are
>availible, it is acceptable to dump core if no redirector is restartable, but
>as it stands now, you must keep a script have an eye on squid...
>When i use perl as redirector, the problem is that perl may eventually hit
>some memory limits and exit...

Here is the source code (in C) of a redirector which is used extensively
by our squid without a single problem. It doesn't allocate any memory after


** rredir - redirect to local directory
** version 0.1, 7 sep 1996
** - initial version (Richard Huveneers <>)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define ACCESS_LOCAL_DIR "/var/lib/httpd/htdocs/local/rredir"
#define REDIRECT_TO_URL ""
#define BUFFER_SIZE (16*1024)

int main()
        char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
        char *s, *t;
        int tlu = 0;

        /* make standard output line buffered */
        if (setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0) != 0) return 1;

        /* speed up the access() calls below */
        if (chdir(ACCESS_LOCAL_DIR) == -1) return 1;

        /* scan standard input */
        while (fgets(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin) != NULL)
                /* check for too long urls */
                if (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL)
                        tlu = 1;
                if (tlu) goto dont_redirect;

                /* determine end of url */
                if ((s = strchr(buf, ' ')) == NULL) goto dont_redirect;
                *s = '\0';

                /* determine first character of filename */
                if ((s = strrchr(buf, '/')) == NULL) goto dont_redirect;

                /* security: do not redirect to hidden files, the current
                ** directory or the parent directory */
                if (*s == '.' || *s == '\0') goto dont_redirect;

                /* map filename to lower case */
                for (t = s; *t != '\0'; t++) *t = (char) tolower((int) *t);

                /* check for a local copy of this file */
                if (access(s, R_OK) == 0)
                        (void) printf("%s/%s\n", REDIRECT_TO_URL, s);

                tlu = 0;
                (void) printf("\n");

        return 0;
Received on Mon Sep 30 1996 - 11:09:57 MDT

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