Re: neighbours not returning images?

From: Julianne Weekers <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 13:19:23 +1000 (GMT+1000)

On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Neil Murray wrote:

> - I am seeing a strage effect where if a request is made to the proxy for
> - an image file that a neighbour has, the proxy returns an error 61
> - (Connection refused) despite the fact that the neighbour appears to
> - believe it has delivered the item and direct access (without proxy) is
> - successful.
> -
> I ran into something similar on one occasion, I suggest you check the
> 'cache_host' line for the tcp (http) port & icp port numbers. If you have the
> tcp port number wrong but the icp port correct you will send icp queries
> correctly and received UDP_HIT_OBJ's that fool you into thinking the
> configuration is correct but large objects will fail since you don't have the
> correct tcp port in your config file. From memory 'ERR_CONNECT_FAIL ...' is
> the
> error you get in this case.

Yep, that was it. Thanks very much. The fact that it mostly worked even
with the wrong port configured was somewhat confusing. If your neighbour
changed their port config, you could possibly be having these problems for
some time before realising. It would be nice if these could be reported
as conection failures to the neighbour rather than as an inability to
contact the source site.

Julianne Weekers (
                            Prentice Centre, University of Queensland
                            ph(07-33654404) fax(07-33654477)
Received on Mon Sep 30 1996 - 22:04:04 MDT

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