Re: squid and reboot

From: David J N Begley <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 22:37:01 +1100 (EST)

On Fri, 1 Nov 1996, Andreas Rittershofer wrote:

> When my machine is rebooted (or squid started newly), it fetches
> documents from the Internet, which are already in the cache. When
> squid is still running (continuosly), the next requests are served
> from the cache, till the next restart. Why?

Watch "cache.log" - as Squid is starting up, it's still reading in the log
of objects from your disk cache; chances are, requests that come in
during this time are sourced from the originating site if that object
hasn't already been read from the log file.

Here, Squid will start, fast load, expire objects, shutdown. Start, fast
load, expire objects, shutdown. It cycles like this for a few times, then
settles down and keeps running happily from then on.

During this initial period, it exhibits the behaviour you describe.


Received on Fri Nov 01 1996 - 03:37:31 MST

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