Squid just dies

From: Roch Pageau <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 1996 12:08:59 -0500

Two questions:

I tried to change some parameters in the .conf file and restart the process
but obviously had some mistakes as it wouldn't start. Could anyone see what
happend and let me know what I need to change.

[03/Nov/1996:23:24:43 -0500] main.c:249: reconfigure: SIGHUP received
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:43 -0500] main.c:250: Waiting 30 seconds for active c
onnections to finish
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] main.c:340: FD 11 Closing HTTP connection
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] main.c:352: FD 12 Closing ICP connection
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] main.c:371: Restarting Squid Cache (version
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] neighbors.c:875: neighbors_init: Initializing Ne
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] neighbors.c:890: Adding a parent: inexpress.net/
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] neighbors.c:890: Adding a neighbor: 198.235.216.
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] neighbors.c:890: Adding a neighbor: 198.235.216.
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] ipcache.c:1046: ipcacheOpenServers: Starting 10
 'dns_server' processes
[03/Nov/1996:23:24:44 -0500] comm.c:189: commBind: Cannot bind socket FD
 18 to (49) Can't assign requested address
FATAL: Cannot open HTTP Port
Squid Cache (Version 1.0.5): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: user 12748 sys 4804
Memory Usage: rss 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

I also put my original conf file back when I could't get the other one to
work and now when I start it I get my pid number but as soon as I do another
command on the keyboard squid crashes.

# /usr/local/squid/bin/squid &
[1] 28939
Vector# cd /usr/var/log/squid
[1] Exit 1 /usr/local/squid/bin/squid

[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] main.c:411: Starting Squid Cache version 1.
0.5 for i386-unknown-bsdi2.1...
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] main.c:414: With 4096 file descriptors avai
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] ipcache.c:211: Performing DNS Tests...
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] ipcache.c:1105: Successful DNS name lookup test
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] ipcache.c:1046: ipcacheOpenServers: Starting 5
'dns_server' processes
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] neighbors.c:875: neighbors_init: Initializing Ne
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] filemap.c:137: file_map_create: creating space
 for 2097152 files
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:05 -0500] store.c:1577: Rebuilding storage from disk im
age in /var/log/squid/cache
[03/Nov/1996:23:41:10 -0500] comm.c:189: commBind: Cannot bind socket FD
 16 to (49) Can't assign requested address
FATAL: Cannot open HTTP Port
Squid Cache (Version 1.0.5): Terminated abnormally
CPU Usage: user 0 sys 2
Memory Usage: rss 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

Roch Pageau
| System Administrator / Webmaster Internet Express |
| 365 St. Joseph blvd. |
| Hull, Quebec, Canada |
|email: rpageau@inexpress.net J8Y 3X6 |
|URL: http://www.inexpress.net Ph 1-819-776-0482 |
| http://www.inexpress.net/~rpageau Fax 1-819-776-1145 |
Received on Mon Nov 04 1996 - 09:10:50 MST

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