Re: Multiple proxies sharing cache directory

From: Joao Carlos Mendes Luis <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 20:37:05 -0200 (EDT)

#define quoting(Kevin Fink)
// Will bad things happen if I run two or more instances of Squid off of the
// same cache_dir?
// If so, is there any way to have a single instance answer to multiple port
// numbers (a single IP address, but multiple ports)?

Install 2 servers.

One will do all the caching, and the other just proxy to the cache one.
Note that this will waste some file descriptors. Better use just one


Joao Carlos Mendes Luis
+55 21 290-4698 ( Job )
Network Manager				UFRJ/COPPE/CISI
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Received on Mon Nov 04 1996 - 14:37:36 MST

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