Re: Netscape Gold publish button

From: Jean-Pierre Morant <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 15:27:34 +0100

If you're using fwtk's http gateway, I've written a patch I would be
more than happy to share with you.

Just ask ....

By the way do someone have the patch 1095 for Irix 5.3 ? (the one that
would allow me to push on "publish" without seeing netscape to die
lamentably.... )

Jean-Pierre Morant
c/o MARBEN S.A./N.V.			La vie serait tellement 
Boulevard du Souverain,400, Vorstlaan	plus facile	 
1160	Bruxelles			Si seulement
Belgium					nous avions les sources....
+ 32 2 663 1130	(phone)
+ 32 2 663 1199 (fax)
Received on Thu Nov 07 1996 - 06:34:22 MST

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