Squid & firewall.s

From: Steve Ollis <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 13:29:40 +1100

I've got a FWTK firewall, running the http-gw software. I have a linux box inside the firewall, that gets all its pages via the http-gw. The domain inside the firewall is part of an invalid Class C address, and therefore does not have a publically accessible name resolver (not my idea .. I just have to live with it!)
The linux box is a nameserver for the internal network but has no access to our real nameservers (with valid addresses even :-)

Is it possible to configure Squid to not attempt a nameserver lookup and just forward the requests (apart from requests to web servers inside the firewall) to the http-gw server? and then cache the requests...

The firewall has the echo service enabled, and I have configured squid thus..
Most of the squid configurations are the default.. cache.log is currently filling up with ..

[12/Nov/1996:07:18:38 +1100] proto.c:205: Unknown host: search.shareware.com

cache_host firewall-host parent 8080 7
cache_host_domain firewall-host
single_parent_bypass on
inside_firewall our.internal.domain.name
Received on Mon Nov 11 1996 - 18:33:37 MST

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