Re: New cache relationship - spouse?

From: Craig Bishop <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 08:02:03 +1100

Peter Marelas wrote:
> > The issue really is getting the maximum number of unique objects in
> > multiple tightly coupled caches. The current cache relationships do
> > not allow this.
> >
> > Bandwidth costs us megabucks, disk and processing power is cheap by
> > comparison. Think US prices times at least 10 sometimes 20 (no kidding).
> In that case wouldnt you want both caches to hold objects, even if they are
> duplicated on both caches? To save those $$$ when in fact one of the caches
> does go down.

Assuming both caches will be up more than they are down, more objects
means less cost.

Cheers, Craig
Received on Mon Nov 18 1996 - 13:02:46 MST

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