Set up Neighbor (HOW-TO)

From: David Ramahefason <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 13:52:36 +0100 (MET)

Hi squid users!

We're trying to set up pproxy peering here, but squid just die after a few

Here the cache.log entry:

[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] main.c:418: Starting Squid Cache
version 1.0.20 for i386-unknown-freebsd2.2...
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] main.c:421: With 360 file descriptors
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] ipcache.c:216: Performing DNS Tests...
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] ipcache.c:1129: Successful DNS name
lookup tests...
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] ipcache.c:1070: ipcacheOpenServers:
Starting 20 'dns_server' processes
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] neighbors.c:888: neighbors_init:
Initializing Neighbors...
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] neighbors.c:903: Adding a neighbor:
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] filemap.c:137: file_map_create: creating
space for 2097152 files
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] store.c:1568: Rebuilding storage from
disk image in /Proxy
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] main.c:298: Accepting HTTP
connections on FD 31.
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] main.c:317: Accepting ICP connections
on FD 32.
[20/Nov/1996:19:27:30 +0100] comm.c:189: commBind: Cannot bind
socket FD 33 to (49) Can't assign requested address
FATAL: Cannot open Outgoing ICP Port
Squid Cache (Version 1.0.20): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
Memory Usage: rss 5168 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

Hmm... seems to get a problem with ICP... what do we need to fix to get
our two squid server running ????

I've check the doc file but didn't find anything revealent about this

Thanks for answering.


|David Ramahefason,, Sysop, Easynet France SA|
| 23, rue du Renard, 75004 Paris, FRANCE|
| Think different Think BSD |
| Wrap around problems with Python |
Received on Wed Nov 20 1996 - 04:56:14 MST

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