Squid Warnings - what do they mean?

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:50:20 +0100 (MET)


[ this is 1.1b19 ]

I see warnings in my logfiles .. but what do they really mean and
what can I tune where?

Nov 21 14:13:29 www-cache squid[5146]: WARNING: Over store_pages high-water mark
 (5864 > 5529)
Nov 21 14:13:29 www-cache squid[5146]: Perhaps you should increase cache_mem?

Here I had 24 MB for cache_mem and 800 MB disk space.

Then I augmented cache_mem to 32 MB and got later on:

Nov 21 20:15:01 www-cache squid[197]: WARNING: Over store_pages high-water mark
(7379 > 7372)
Nov 21 20:15:01 www-cache squid[197]: Perhaps you should increase cache_mem?
Nov 21 20:15:01 www-cache squid[197]: storeGetMemSpace stats:

I I need 40 MB cache_mem for 800 MB of disk -- will I then need
400 MB cache_mem for 8GB?

Or where can I tune ?

NTG Netzwerk und Telematic GmbH   /          Heiko W.Rupp
Geschaeftsbereich Xlink         \/           phone: +49 721 9652 0
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D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany     /_______      email: hwr@xlink.net
Received on Fri Nov 22 1996 - 02:50:43 MST

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