Re: Curious about size

From: Oskar Pearson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 13:40:02 +0200 (GMT)


> Im still playing with squid but I cant for the life of me figure out
> what size it occupies? I need to know how squid uses disk space and
> memory.
You have Normal Ram (the process size, which you can see with "ps")
You have Swap-RAM (Which is the same as virtual ram under Windows - when
        something uses Ram, and your system is running out, it writes it to
You have SQUID-SWAP (When you get a page through the cache, it saves it to disk
        in the SQUID-SWAP space)

the amount of Ram (Swap and Normal) that is used is set with the tag
"cache_mem", and the amount of SQUID-SWAP is set with "cache_swap"

> From the "squid.conf" file I notice that the cache_swap and
> cache_mem are configurable to desired levels, but how much disk space
> not swap space does squid utilise.

Say you have 24 megs of Ram in your machine. It is best not to have to
swap things in and out of Ram, so you set "cache_mem" to something like
16 (so that it uses 16 megs of Ram, and you can still work...)

If you have 1 gig of disk space free on your cache, it is best to allow it
to use as much as possible, so that you can have more pages locally available,
so that you don't have to download them each time (if you only let squid
keep 1 meg of data, you will end up with only the most popular home pages,
and not save any real bandwidth). This is set with "cache_swap"

> How do I exclude my site from being cached coz that is obviously a
> waste of space.


'experience made art, but inexperience luck.'
Received on Fri Nov 22 1996 - 03:40:43 MST

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