hello... i downloaded a page from www.infoseek.com an hour ago, then i get
get this message when i download it again
isn't it supposed to be a _HIT or something? how long does squid keep the
files by _default_ ? i have this entry in my squid.conf
cache_host cit.lasaltech.com parent 3128 3130 weight=100
cache_host proxy.mozcom.com parent 8088 7
... [ francis vidal ] systems administrator, @usls, univ. of st. la salle
0973.220416 (cell) / +034.435.2324 mailto:francisv@mozcom.com
http://lasaltech.mozcom.com/~francis mailto:[email protected]
P G P key available at ftp://ftp.usls.edu/pub/pgpkey/francis.pgp
Received on Wed Nov 27 1996 - 16:48:00 MST
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