Re: Strange results from squid1.1.5 on SCO Faststart Box.

From: Duane Wessels <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 97 14:23:48 -0800 writes:

>Since I upgraded to squid 1.1.5 I am getting the following messages in the cach
>What is it, and does it hurt? The retrieval of these pictures seem to take long
er than squid1.1.0 ...
>97/02/05 01:50:31| ERR_NO_CLIENTS_BIG_OBJ:

It means that the user aborted the request, but Squid continued to fetch
the object....until it reached the 'max_object_size' setting. Since
the object could no longer fit in memory, and there were no clients reading
from it, it was released.

>Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
> total space in arena: 126848 KB
> Ordinary blocks: 762247 KB 651 blks
> Small blocks: 171 KB 30272 blks
> Holding blocks: 7 KB 946 blks
> Free Small blocks: 313 KB
> Free Ordinary blocks: 125225 KB
> Total in use: 762426 KB 601%
> Total free: 125539 KB 99%
>97/02/05 01:51:16| Squid Cache (Version 1.1.5): Exiting normally.
>How can I have 601% Memory in use???

Looks like a buggy mallinfo()....

Duane W.
Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 14:42:36 MST

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