Core on No Space

From: Florian Lohoff <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 16:40:00 +0100 (CET)

i got an core dumping squid 1.1.6 when i tried to start
while there were only 8K left in the swap dir so squid
was unable to write This shouldnt happen
as i think, squid should delete files from swap until it has
enough space ..


97/02/09 16:31:51| Starting Squid Cache version 1.1.6 for i486-pc-linux-gnu...
97/02/09 16:31:51| With 256 file descriptors available
97/02/09 16:31:51| Performing DNS Tests...
97/02/09 16:31:51| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
97/02/09 16:31:51| Started 2 'dnsserver' processes
97/02/09 16:31:51| file_map_create: creating space for 2097152 files
97/02/09 16:31:51| Swap maxSize 481280, estimated 24064 objects
97/02/09 16:31:51| Target number of buckets: 481
97/02/09 16:31:51| Using 7951 Store buckets, maintain 1 bucket every 10 seconds
97/02/09 16:31:51| Rebuilding storage from disk image in /home/www/squid/cache
97/02/09 16:31:52| Accepting HTTP connections on FD 13.
97/02/09 16:31:52| Accepting ICP connections on FD 14.
97/02/09 16:31:52| Configuring Parent
97/02/09 16:31:52| Ready to serve requests.
97/02/09 16:31:52| diskHandleWrite: FD 11: disk write error: (28) No space left on device
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
97/02/09 16:31:52| storeWriteCleanLog: Not currently OK to rewrite swap log.
97/02/09 16:31:52| storeWriteCleanLog: Operation aborted.
CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 272



Florian Lohoff      Phone:+49-5241-340796
Privates Internet Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Guetersloh -
Received on Sun Feb 09 1997 - 08:01:16 MST

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