Strange access.log

From: Leo David <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 22:12:25 -0800 (GMT+8)

Greetings SQUIDers!!!

I had just installed squid-1.1.6, from squid-1.0.20,
and as I have observed the access.log file, which shows :

855899909.043 6664 TCP_MISS/200 16632 GET s/970202g.jpg - SINGLE_PARENT/ image/jpeg

When I was using squid-1.0.20, it (the underlined!) says ""
which is the IP address of my computer terminal. but it is now different!

Could anyone tell me why?
How can I see the *real* IP address?

Leo A. David
Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 06:21:50 MST

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