round-robin dns for proxy cluster

From: Nico Tranquilli <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 17:31:08 +0100 (MET)

we're going to set up a cluster of proxies next days and I was trying
to provide some kind of load sharing and fault tolerance.
Load sharing can be guaranteed with a good proxy.pac using URL hashing,
but this would be limited only to NETSCAPE users.
I was thinking to also use a round-robin DNS so that cache servers using
us as parent would benefit the hardware upgrade too.
The question is: does squid use the time to live information for its
neighbour caches too ? In the cache.log file I see a lot of
"configuring ... as ..." when squid starts, I was wondering if squid
resolves the address just once and then use the IP number forever without
taking care of ttls till the next start up. And does squid take care
of multiple IPs of neighbours so that if one fails it then switches to the
next one ?


Nico Tranquilli
CINECA - Interuniversity Computing Centre
Networks and Distributed Systems group
phone: +39 (51) 6171519
Received on Wed Feb 19 1997 - 08:48:53 MST

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