Re: What Multicast ICP?

From: Duane Wessels <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 97 14:11:07 -0800 writes:

>I have one question with using multicast ICP.
>I tried to create a multicast group in our lab's subnet with two
>caches. The configuration is below.
>host A: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
>host B: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
>I send a request to host A, then host B's access.log says,
>856049957.581 1 UDP_HIT/000 78 ICP_QUERY - NONE/- -
>but host A's access.log says,
>856049723.280 1 UDP_MISS/000 78 ICP_QUERY - NONE/- -
>856049723.780 1198 TCP_MISS/200 5921 GET
> - DIRECT/ text/html
>It seems that host A don't receive ICP replies from host B.

Looks like you need to swap AAA and BBB in the config file:

host A: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
       cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
       cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
host B: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
       cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
       cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder

Duane W.

PS, NLANR has been assigned a block of multicast addresses for use in Web caching.
If you would like one of these to use, just let me know.
Received on Wed Feb 19 1997 - 14:22:26 MST

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