Re: What Multicast ICP?

From: Kenichi MATSUI <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:08:48 +0900

Mr/Mz Duane Wessels <> wrote:

> >I have one question with using multicast ICP.
> >I tried to create a multicast group in our lab's subnet with two
> >caches. The configuration is below.
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >host A: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> > cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> > cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
> >host B: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> > cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> > cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------

> Looks like you need to swap AAA and BBB in the config file:
> host A: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder
> host B: mcast_groups 239.133.**.**
> cache_host 239.133.**.** multicast 3128 3130 ttl=1
> cache_host sibling 3128 3130 multicast-responder

Thanks for your advice. It is my careless miss. I'll fixed it.

> PS, NLANR has been assigned a block of multicast addresses for use
> in Web caching.
> If you would like one of these to use, just let me know.

Thanks, but NLANR is far from Tohoku University.

We are now assining multicast address for ICP at our university's
backbone network. So I use the address.

#Perhaps it might be assigned in JP Mbone ...

Kenichi Matsui
Graduate Student at TOHOKU Univ. JAPAN
PHONE: +81-22-217-7140 FAX: +81-22-263-9306
*I am a member at TAINS Cache Project*
Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 04:18:53 MST

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