MSIE frontpage

From: Tan Jin Siong <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 16:49:41 +0800

HI there,

Is anybody having probelm using MS IE FrontPage to upload
file (via proxy) to the MS extension server (MS-IIS).

One of my user is having the problem. The symptom is when he was
uploading some files to the IIS server and nothing was transferferd
and get the server error messages "UNKNOWN_CONTENT".

PS: When I sniff the packet and get "x-vermeer-rpc" content type.

Any ideas, pls.

Thanks in advance.
Tan Jin Siong
Senior Systems Engineer Main line: (65) 872-0322
Pacific Internet Pte Ltd Help line: (65) 872-3330
89, Science Park Drive Fax line : (65) 773-6812
#04-09/12 The Rutherford http://
Singapore 118261
Received on Tue Feb 25 1997 - 01:07:01 MST

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