Fetching cgi-bin with default parent

From: Alastair Thomson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 97 10:32:47 +1300

Hi all,
The network setup here is such that no machine within the University can
talk internationally on port 80 except for a master cache running 1.1.3. This
is because we are at the end of a very expensive link here in New Zealand
and so we don't want everyone fetching Netscrape's home page every time they
start up.

Our department runs our own cache so we can control student access to the
web. Because we can't talk out directly using port 80, we go through the
master univerisity cache with the following config line.

cache_host cache.otago.ac.nz parent 81 3130 no-query default

This works fine except for cgi-bin requests where squid still appears to try
to fetch them directly.

I've turned off the hierarchy_stoplist by removing the cgi-bin ? following it
i.e. we just have


Any suggestions?


Alastair Thomson,                        | Phone +64-3-479-8347
Manager,                                 | Fax +64-3-479-8529
Computer Science Applied Research Centre | Mobile 0-21-353-994
University of Otago,                     | alastair@csarc.otago.ac.nz
Dunedin 9015,                            | NeXTmail/MIME Welcome
New Zealand.                             | http://www.csarc.otago.ac.nz:805/
PGP Public Key: finger alastair@atlas.otago.ac.nz
All opinions are mine, and while they are (of course) right, they in no
     way reflect the policy or views of the University of Otago
Received on Thu Feb 27 1997 - 13:52:19 MST

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