Re: abnormal terminated?

From: Lyndon Levesley <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 12:46:33 +0100

James R Grinter wrote :
|-> On Thu 15 May, 1997, Chien-Kang Huang <> wrote
|-> :
|-> >97/05/15 06:00:30| Started 12 'dnsserver' processes
|-> >97/05/15 06:00:30| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 18 to *:3128: (125) Add
|-> ress a lready in use
|-> well, your OS failed to allow you to stop listening and then start
|-> listening again.
|-> Solaris 2.x (x<=4) per chance?

 Is SO_REUSEADDR not available in 2.3 ?

|-> -- jrg.



Penis Envy is a total Phallusy.
Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 04:48:50 MDT

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