Re: Squid on Linux DEC Alpha

From: Jean-Francois Micouleau <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 17:07:10 +0200 (MET DST)

On Thu, 15 May 1997, Leigh Porter wrote:

> Hello,
> I am designing a Cashe server for around 6000 users to go In Hungary and
> wondered what spec of system I should use for this.
> I was thinking of a Microway Screamer 500Mhz DEC box, 128Mb Memory with
> 5 RAID[0] UW SCSI disks and an Adaptec 2940 controller.

Go down on CPU speed and higher on memory for 8 gigabytes of disk, you
should put at least 256 meabytes of memory.

> The disks would be split up into one 2Gb device for /, logs etc and
> 4 2Gb devices ina RAID[0] configuration.
> Does this sound ok to you folks?
> Leigh Porter
> Wisper Bandwidth Plc.

: Jean Francois Micouleau : Email: :
: Universite de : Tel : 03 44 23 47 78 :
: Technologie de : Service Informatique :
: Compiegne France : Division IRNM :
Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 08:08:49 MDT

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