Re: ACL question.

From: Marc Delisle <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 11:17:24 -0400

Richard Pruss wrote:
> Hi,
> We would like to allow cache access to port 80 but not port 90 on
> a group of machines.
> I tried:
> acl admin src
> acl denyadmin dst
> acl denyadmin port 93
> http_access deny denyadmin !admin
> But the second line in the denyadmin acl is rejected and users are
> locked out of the main pages.
> May 20 15:53:55 sabela squid[12862]: aclParseAclLine: ACL 'denyadmin'
> already exists with different type, skipping.
> So, question: Whats is the best way of doing this?
> Cheers,
> Ric

Hmmm, are you talking about source (src) machines or destination (dst)
And you are talking about port 90 or 93? and what is on your port 80?
squid or
a web server?

Anyway, I suggest (someone correct me on this):

acl thegroup src
acl badport port 90
acl goodport port 80
http_access deny thegroup badport
http_access allow thegroup goodport
(here, other "http_access allow ..." depending on your situation)

http_access deny all

Marc Delisle                              
Service Informatique                              
Coll�ge de Sherbrooke      
Qu�bec.  819/564-6223
Received on Wed May 21 1997 - 08:17:47 MDT

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