How to stop pictures

From: g.waraich <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 02:08:45 +0530 (IST)


        Greeting to all you guys. I have just put squid-1.1.10 on our
proxy server in Indian Institute of Technology of Bombay (India) and it is
running very fine. According to the institute policies, i have succeeded
in restricting the certain site deemed unfit by using Ian's (remember tin)
redirector suite of 2 perl script.

How can i stop pictures from being downloaded with squid. We have to do
this because of low-bandwith and other problems. With CERN httpd, i could
do it with PICTURE_PROT in caching.conf.

I also found that netnanny (et. al) are for windoze(et. al) only.
I am purely LINUX person.

Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 00:47:07 MDT

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