Memory v's CPU

From: David Richards <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 12:20:53 +1000 (EST)


        We are implementing a number of proxy servers at QUT. As we all
know the common trade-off is between CPU and RAM, due to the dollars
involved. I know we all want the best of both worlds, but in most cases
it is not possible. :-)

        So the question remains, "What should we buy?? More memory( 512
gig ) or bigger processor??? "

        All machines will be DEC Alpha's running Digital Unix OSF, there
is no doubt about that. My impression is that we should go the memory
option, what do you all reckon?? Is squid more of a memory hungry fellow
or a processor intensive fellow???

        All my tests indicate "memory", am I right??

        Currently we have only one proxy in place, and it's a sorry sight.
There is too much for it to handle now. We are going to start making
everyone go through the proxy soon, and currently we are getting
approximately 50,000 requests per hour. (we have no idea how many
people are using the proxy ) so we expect that number to rise a lot.

        Here is the most recent usage graph, (for interests sake ):

        21372-23746| #### # ## ## |
        18997-21371| ######### ###### |
        16623-18996| ################## |
        14248-16622| ###################### |
        11874-14247| ########################### |
         9499-11873| ############################# |
         7124- 9498| ################################|
         4750- 7123| #################################|
         2375- 4749|###### ##################################|
            1- 2374|################################################|
        Counts /------------------------------------------------+
               Hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

David Richards Ph: +61 7 3864 4354
Computing Services e-mail:
Queensland University of Technology
Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 19:22:28 MDT

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