Re: Memory v's CPU

From: Malcolm B.J. Garbutt <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:00:17 +1000 (EST)

Go with the extra Ram Option, I found its a hog for memory, while CPU
activity is very low, 1-5%

On Wed, 28 May 1997, David Richards wrote:

> Hi,
> We are implementing a number of proxy servers at QUT. As we all
> know the common trade-off is between CPU and RAM, due to the dollars
> involved. I know we all want the best of both worlds, but in most cases
> it is not possible. :-)
> So the question remains, "What should we buy?? More memory( 512
> gig ) or bigger processor??? "
> All machines will be DEC Alpha's running Digital Unix OSF, there
> is no doubt about that. My impression is that we should go the memory
> option, what do you all reckon?? Is squid more of a memory hungry fellow
> or a processor intensive fellow???
> All my tests indicate "memory", am I right??
> Currently we have only one proxy in place, and it's a sorry sight.
> There is too much for it to handle now. We are going to start making
> everyone go through the proxy soon, and currently we are getting
> approximately 50,000 requests per hour. (we have no idea how many
> people are using the proxy ) so we expect that number to rise a lot.
> Here is the most recent usage graph, (for interests sake ):
> +------------------------------------------------+
> 21372-23746| #### # ## ## |
> 18997-21371| ######### ###### |
> 16623-18996| ################## |
> 14248-16622| ###################### |
> 11874-14247| ########################### |
> 9499-11873| ############################# |
> 7124- 9498| ################################|
> 4750- 7123| #################################|
> 2375- 4749|###### ##################################|
> 1- 2374|################################################|
> Counts /------------------------------------------------+
> Hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> David Richards Ph: +61 7 3864 4354
> Computing Services e-mail:
> Queensland University of Technology
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

We appreciate any feedback.


Malcolm Garbutt
Network Administrator -

Office Ph. 03 50 212 991 Office Fax 03 50 212 932
Emergency Ph. 018 596 150

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Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 20:06:43 MDT

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