ACL authentication + Redirector

From: Peter Woo <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 16:34:47 -0400


I've applied Arjan deVet's patch to squid-1.1.10 and it works great with
the following ACLs:

acl all src
acl auth_subnet_1 src
acl auth_passwd proxy_auth /webdata/passwd

http_access allow auth_subnet_1 auth_passwd
http_access allow all

which forces users from subnet auth_subnet_1 to authenticate before
accessing WWW.

Since I'm using Redirector for access control based on IPs as well, how
can I ASK users from subnet other than auth_subnet_1 to authenticate
"voluntarily" such that I don't need to check the IP in the Redirector
once an non empty Ident is detected ?

Or, can I specify a group of users that can authenticate themselves from
any src and once authenticated, the Ident will be passed to the
Redirector ?

Thanks in advance !

Peter Woo
Ontario Hydro
Received on Wed May 28 1997 - 13:36:31 MDT

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