Please STOP the thread 'Restricting sex oriented material'....

From: Alfonso Correas Serrat <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 09:31:50 +0200

When I added to this list was with the intention of getting some info
about Squid, use, configuration and troubleshooting.

This thread is really boring and is a very large Off-topic. In my
oppinion this kind of threads should be discussed out of this list.

Un saludo.
        Alfonso Correas

 -- Comm Networks
 -- Tel: +34-1-714-00-50
 -- Fax: +34-1-714-00-51 / 34-1-352-31-34

Please, angry comments about this should be rewritten to /dev/nul :)
Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 00:34:54 MDT

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