real tcp/ip ?

From: Mag. Gerhard Friesenbiller <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 14:12:03 +0200

We have www-server apache and squid 1.1.9. no firewall. The Netscape
3.01 is OK but we have Problems whith the Software FirstClassClient and
Compuserve Software.
We ask the admin from the FirstClass Server and he tells us that we need
a real TCP-Port for the Software FistClassClient.
My questen how can i tell squid that?
When we start Compuserve we get the error
"<<Winsock-Fehler: GATEWAY.COMPUSERVE.COM konnte nicht aufgelvst
I asks Compuserve and the says that Compuserve needs Port 4144. My
questen - what must i do that the workstation can use the Compuserve
Software over the net - proxy server?
Received on Sat Jun 07 1997 - 04:15:48 MDT

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