Re: Squid access.log Messages

From: Samath Wijesundara <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 1997 14:32:04 +0000

Dear Cord, Squid-Users

On the

It explains that
                  The object was requested from the origin server
                because the 'source_ping' reply arrived first.

But I never see this SOURCE_FASTEST on my log file even when I try to
access a local (Sri Lankan) site. Do you know why. I have both pinger and
'query_icmp on' in action too!

ALSO I get
Explain me why it gets a TIMEOUT as it has received a PARENT_MISS ?
Does this mean that squid thinks it is a TIMEOUT when the squid cannot find
a HIT ?

Also I see that just TCP_MISS & DIRECT there on the logfile. Why it does
not fetch thorough the PARENT ? I expect something like SOURCE_FASTEST
instead ?

I understand if it says TIMEOUT_DIRECT (which means it is decided to fetch
the object from the SOURCE as other neighbors timed out.)

These questions are for my curiosity, I really do not understand why it is
deciding to fetch from the DIRECT ?


>Hallo! Du (Samath Wijesundara) hast geschrieben:
>>I frequently get TIMEOUT messages such as follows on the access.log
>>I understand from above that squid is
>>1. Gettig Direct from source
>>2. Getting from the closest parent
>>What is the time out and why squid decide to get from the above sources.
>>I am using 2 parent caches,
> tells:
>Hierarchy Data Tags
>DIRECT The object has been requested from the origin server.
>CLOSEST_PARENT_MISS This parent was selected because it included the
> lowest RTT measurement to the origin server. This only appears
> with 'query_icmp on' set in the config file.
>Almost any of these may be preceeded by 'TIMEOUT_' if the two-second
>(default) timeout occurs waiting for all ICP replies to arrive from
>Your Squid sends ICP-requests to your neighbor-caches.
>If the replies from your neighbors aren't in after the configured
>neighbor_timeout (default 2sec) the Hierarchy Data Tags are preceded
>with TIMEOUT_.
>The requested object is fetched with the method which seems to be
>the fastest.
Received on Mon Jun 09 1997 - 01:04:56 MDT

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