Re: Shrimp Perl Script

From: Cord Beermann <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 11:02:28 +0200 (MET DST)

Hallo! Du (Richard Mortimer) hast geschrieben:

>Can anyone give a novice Squid/Perl user a clue how to get the SHRIMP.PL
>script to work??

I wrote to produce 'Common Log'-Format out of
'Squid Native Log'-Format to use it in analog or wusage.

It is intended to work this way:

cat access.log | > file

file should then be the output in 'Common Log'-Format.

But now there are many useful programs which can read the
Squid-Native-Log-Format by themselves and make nice things with it

Look at

To run you need to have perl installed.


Cord Beermann IRC: Cord@Wunder-Nett
Received on Thu Jun 12 1997 - 02:04:52 MDT

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