squid and NT4.0 IIS3.0

From: Guy Roelant <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 13:25:24 +0200


We have just setup a linuxbox (2.0.29) with squid 1.1.10
the proxy to the outside is just working fine...
we have also a Windows NT Server 4.0 running Internet information server
3.0 on our lan.
This IIS uses Windows NT Challenge/Response for password authentication.
This info doesn't seem to be proxied when a user on our lan uses our
intranet server.

Is there any way i can make this work??

Internet: http://www.e5mode.be
Name: Guy Roelant
E-mail: GuyR@e5-mode.be
Phone: +32 3 7780810
Fax: +32 3 7780818
Received on Thu Jun 12 1997 - 04:30:27 MDT

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