Re: Squid access.log Messages

From: Samath Wijesundara <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 18:43:07 +0600

At 01:18 PM 6/12/97 +0100, John Sloan wrote:
>On Thu, 12 Jun 1997, Samath Wijesundara wrote:
>> At 01:38 PM 6/11/97 +0100, John Sloan wrote:
>> >
>> >On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Samath Wijesundara wrote:
>> >
>> >> >>It explains that
>> >> >> The object was requested from the origin server
>> >> >> because the 'source_ping' reply arrived first.
>> >> >
>> >> >>But I never see this SOURCE_FASTEST on my log file even when I try to
>> >> >>access a local (Sri Lankan) site. Do you know why. I have both
pinger and
>> >> >>'query_icmp on' in action too!
>> >> >
>> >> >Try debug_options ALL,1 15,6 and look for /neighborsUdpPing/ in your
>> >> >cache.log. (WARNING: This could make your cache.log grow very large
>> >> >in a short time) There you can see if source_ping is used or not. If
>> >> >it is used then your neighbor/parent-caches are faster than your
>> >> >sources.
>> >>
>> >> I can see the /neighborsUdpPing/ in my logfile. I wonder, my local sites
>> >> which are local to me is faster than the parents. So it should have
>> >> SOURCE_FASTEST. I am using 2 parents in USA, the fastet RTT is 300ms to
>> >> these, and my local sites are at maximum 80ms or less. But generally
>> >> get local sites DIRECT, but not SOURCE_FASTEST ?
>> >
>> >Source fastest will only work if the server at the far end has udp echo
>> >enabled.
>> >
>> >John
>> John, Thanks,
>> I am using following at the far end
>> They are parents and they should have udp echo enabled ??
>Source fastest doesn't send a udp echo packet to your parents. It sends
>that packet to the webserver specified in the URL. If that responds
>quicker than any of your siblings or parents, then it fetches the page
>My guess would be that for some reason the udp packets being sent to your
>local sites aren't being return - either because they are blocked by
>router filters, or because those servers have echo disabled.

Here are my observations for a local site.

stats/netdb: localhost:8080

dated Thu Jun 12 18:28:39 1997

Network DB Statistics:
Network recv/sent RTT Hops Hostnames 6/ 6 422.7 2.0 1/ 1 423.0 17.0 90.0 13.0 190.0 19.0

866118705.386 2981 TCP_REFRESH_MISS/200 8380 GET - DIRECT/ text/html
866118709.052 1230 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH/304 88 GET - DIRECT/ -


Here I see that bo, it parents has not measured the RTT ? and that may be
why it is not displaying the SOURCE_FASTEST ?

I also checked other local domains, and none of them have measurements from
the parents for the RTT

I have folllowing in my squid.conf


Other localsites to me are, etc. but none of them were
being measured for RTT by parents.

Any Idea why ?

- Samath
Received on Thu Jun 12 1997 - 05:47:55 MDT

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