Re: Is there anybody know about this...

From: Alfonso Correas Serrat <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 12:15:19 +0200

Jonah Kuo wrote:
> I just follow the FAQ of FreeBSD-2.2.1 and want to do this:
> I have a modem and FreeBSD-2.2.1 and two win95 clients, they are
> interconnected by ethernet and using the private subnet
> At FreeBSD-2.2.1 side, it has a modem but no fixed IP, can I use the
> Squid-1.1.8 to make the win95 clients to be able to communicate with
> internet via FreeBSD machine?

In few words: Yes, buy you need some additional software to user another
protocols. You may need to use something like Firewall toolkit from

Un saludo.
        Alfonso Correas
 -- Comm Networks
 -- Tel: +34-1-714-00-50
 -- Fax: +34-1-714-00-51 / 34-1-352-31-34
Received on Sat Jun 14 1997 - 03:24:46 MDT

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