Re: Automatic reload of URLs?

From: Stephane Bortzmeyer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 97 10:14:49 +0200

On Sunday 15 June 97, at 7 h 19, the keyboard of "Magossa'nyi A'rpa'd"
<> wrote:

> The proxy in its "spare time" reloads the most popular URLs so they are
> always accessible from cache. I have some questions about this:

This has been discussed many times here and makes a lot of controversy.

> - Would it make sense to do with squid also?

You may.

> - Is it implemented in squid?

No and it is a good thing: keep software simple and do not stuff it with
things which are better left outside (you can use webcopy or any other
tool to "pre fetch" objects through your cache).
Received on Mon Jun 16 1997 - 01:16:31 MDT

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