Squid got frozen!!

From: Youngkee Shim <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 12:55:41 +0900

Hi im newbie to this mailing list!!
I'm running Squid proxy on my firewall and offer internet services
to the people behind of firewall.
Well really squid proxy works fast and efficeintly most of time
but sometimes it dosn't work at all and give message such like
'trying to firewall:8080' and halt !!
So all I can to do is just shutdowning squid proxy and restarting it.
I don't know whats' wrong with this squid proxy.
any suggestiong and information will be greatly appereciated :-)

thanx in advance !!!
Received on Tue Jun 24 1997 - 21:00:03 MDT

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