[ADD to FAQ] Ignoring MISS from non-peer

From: Francis Mouthaud <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 09:32:33 +0200 (MET DST)


I have an internal network of squid servers and I recently installed a new
server (on a little Linux machine), and I had the "Ignoring MISS from
non-peer x.x.x.x" error message.

In fact, the x.x.x.x machine has several IP addresses and ethernet cards
and I was refering another IP address in the configuration file, which
actually works, but which was not declared in the squid.conf.

So I did this:

cache_host other.network.com sibling 8080 3130 proxy-only no-query
cache_host same.network.com sibling 8080 3130 proxy-only

I did not removed the "other" address of the machine because it works,
it's just that it SHOULD better use the other one.

Am I right? If yes I think that it should be added to the FAQ.

BTW, squid takes ALL available memory on my Linux (2.0.0) system, even if
I tell him to take only 3 or 4 Mb (I have 16Mb), so the machine slows
down and I'm afraid that it loses some requests...


: Francis Mouthaud ^_^ Mailto:Mouthaud@freenet.fr :
| Ingenieur / http://www.freenet.fr/bluepatch |
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Received on Thu Jun 26 1997 - 00:34:21 MDT

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