Re: Access to NLANR parent caches == slower ???

From: Jeff Halper <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 08:07:05 -0700 (PDT)

Strange -

I alsom use sv and sd - my first parent is sv. I have not noticed any
slowness and I haven't noticed inaccessible sites either. I wonder why it
is working better for me than the other two people in this thread?

Jeff Halper
Internet Hotline
On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Apiset Tananchai wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Joao Carlos Mendes Luis wrote:
> > I've recently got access to the NLANR parent caches, specifically those
> > at sd and sv. Strangely enough, my access times got extremely bad. Also,
> > some sites became unaccessible.
> >
> > Is it possible that this is a side effect of my international access
> > being overloaded and ICP is getting lost easily ?
> I have exactly the same problem here. My parent cache is sv, I've found
> that some site became unaccessible. From an error message returned when
> access those site, I found that sv server use squid 1.1.11!! I haven't
> seen any announcement for 1.1.11 in squid-user list nor in squid homepage
> so I assume that someone is testing a new version of squid on sv. I have
> to tempolarily remove sv from my parent list since I got a lot of complain
> from users.
> Please help Duane!!
> --
> aet
Received on Sat Jun 28 1997 - 08:10:54 MDT

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