cache/log conversion script

From: Simon Amor <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 18:18:54 +0100

Someone posted a small script to convert the numbers in the cache/log
file into a directory and filename but I've looked through the
mailing list archives and can't spot the message. Does anyone have a
copy of the script they can mail me please or even the subject of the
original message would do as I can then find it in the archives..

I want to convert:
0000164b 33b774e1 fffffffe 33b77475 2091 <long url snipped>
into it's filename within the cache.



Simon Amor                        System & Network Administrator                     Absolute Communications Ltd        Telephone: +44 116 233 0034
Received on Mon Jun 30 1997 - 10:21:46 MDT

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